Jpot with Family + Garden by the Bay

Updating my post is a way to keep track of our activities. It has also been fun doing so. Uploading photos could be troublesome but it's really boring without them. So let's start off......


I met dear early in the morning to collect my graduation gown at serangoon broadway studio at 11.30am. He had just finished working the midnight shift and without any rest, he came to find me after work. I collected my graduation gown within 20 minutes before making our way to serangoon mrt station to collect our mask. The graduation gown is pretty nice as it has STREAKS OF PURPLE. I like purple ^^. Shall take a photo of it during my graduation day. I balloted for 1 more tickets and so luckily, i was successful in balloting the ticket. So, my mum, dad and dear will be going for my graduation day!! 

In the afternoon, we had hot tomato as our lunch before going to shiqi's house to visit her. She is in good health and she is recovering well. We visited her with bird nest haha. She deserves it :) At night, i had dinner with my family at jpot. It was delicious to me of course. Cause i like the food there. Straight after dinner, we had movies at Shaw, watching Total Recall. The movie was pretty confused but the storyline was still alright. the story kinda of like happened too fast and everything was done too quickly. In my opinion, the movie deserved a rating of 7 out of 10. 

Dear hadn't had any wink for 24 hours. I can see that he was tired but he is 嘴硬. He insisted that he wasn't tired.  Only fools believes him :x Dear ah, get more rest wor. I don't want you to have bad headaches because of lacking of sleep. Im feeling guilty.

At the Jpot. Yummy!

A photo together!

Mum and dad.

On Sunday, Dear had a good sleep till late morning :) He needed more rest so today, we met late. We had magee mee for lunch and i prepared an egg to go together with our magee. After filling our stomachs, dear fetched mum and dad to toyogo to buy some containers. And also, i went to buy some office supplies. Boss has been nagging me about the printer for days.  

During evening time, we went to Garden by the Bay to walk. We had prepared our camera, tripod to take beautiful shots our the scenery and ourselves. It was a great day taking photos. Though there isn't lot of nice photos, we still enjoyed ours elf to the max!

Dear, you have to get more sleep le. Your deprived sleep is giving you headaches now and then. It is not good for your health at all. Sacrifice your show for more sleep, you really need it more than anything else. You have to take care of yourself. Only then you can take care of me ;p Muackz

Awww... who bullies you le?


Solo picture

A photo together!

Grumpy dear :x

Smile smile :D

Jumping frog is photo friendly

Micheal Jackson?

My model

Its getting dark...

Opps! :x Zoom in into his underwear :x

I am fat!

The beautiful lights

At the bridge. 

Sitting pose.

Finally a peck on my cheeks :P

I like this photo though he was carrying my naraya bag



My happy boy :D

That's all for today blog. I love you dear :)

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